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[無上甚深微妙法 百千萬劫難遭遇 我今見聞得受持 願解如來真實意]

願生西方淨土中 九品蓮花為父母
花開見佛悟無生 不退菩薩為伴侶
願消三障諸煩惱 願得智慧真明瞭
普願罪障悉消除 世世常行菩薩道

願以此功德 莊嚴佛淨土
上報四重恩 下濟三途苦
若有見聞者 悉發菩提心
盡此一報身 同生極樂國
阿彌陀佛 Amitabha

Monday, August 31, 2015

Support-SehatiSejiwa-Malaysia-during extreme era worldwide-continue support-current Malaysia PM Mr. Najib Razak to be Prime Minister/Pernada Menteri of Malaysia for at least 5-10 years, Malaysian Academy of Hans Studies and UNESCO

[Continue Support PM Mr. Najib 繼續支持首相納吉] 送上祝福、力量給予馬來西亞漢學院儘早順利投入運作,荷擔沉重救世使命,

[天下行道孝為本 和諧之春萬化通 世界大同今朝日 萬花叢中一點紅] 誰能看懂這句詩歌,就算知道會失敗,也要繼續努力往對的方向走,

Sehati Sejiwa, To All Malaysian, please...... we need to stand together as one. Especially when we do not know the final decision of the current Japanese's government (whether they will repeat the 2nd world war mistake or not) and also when the crisis of Iran-Israel not yet solve completely and might lead to terrible tragedy. Do not force PM Mr. Najib Razak to resign as one of the reasons I'm asking you: PM Mr. Najib Razak is connected to the fate of Malaysian Academy of Han's Studies = which have mission with burden in creating World Peace and rescuing the whole world by Love and Wisdom. Please give him at least 5 to 6 or 10 years depends on the progressing world peace movement worldwide. Nobody is perfect including me. I'm one of the Malaysian who actually hate current Government when I was very young, but now I realize my mistake after receiving Sacred Education of Venerable Master Chin Kung, world-known and also highly recognized by the UNESCO. This message is written in repentance. I'm one of the young generation of Malaysian. Nobody from the current Government of Malaysia or nobody from the Malaysian Academy of Han's Studies ask me to convey this message which I had already repeated several times on websites and other social platforms posted few years ago until now:


Malaysian should stay connected as one no matter what will happen in near future worldwide, whether is good or bad, we must work hand-in-hand to overcome difficulties as we are now indeed in Atomic Age as warned by deceased respected historian Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee, and also all named and unnamed each religion expert from the past until now.

[Sehati Sejiwa]

Websites above is viewed by international readers from various background if I'm not mistaken: The "FBI" from the Japan, international Terrorist especially after the aircraft MH370 is missing. I believe someone, a voluntary in Malaysia will able to finalize the EXACT COORDINATES of the location of MH370 aircraft within the current search area of 7th arc planned by three countries search team. Just give her sometimes and also she's waiting reply from the expert of I-Ching studies from China.

***Malaysia's current government know who are these two persons. Just that they do not mention the name as being requested by this Malaysian before during initial search of MH370 last year. Although the main aircraft has not found yet, but the recent debris found had proven their determination during initial search that the aircraft is located within southern search corridor is correct. This Malaysian, would like to thank PM Mr. Najib and Ministry of Defence Mr. Hisshamudin and also PDRM. You all do not know the difficult situation they had to face, they are trying their best to prevent world war. Sadly, not much people recognize their effort. I thought Malaysian should be awaken after all these MH370 and MH17 case and other crisis worldwide happened. Just remember, whatever good or bad happen in near future, Malaysian should let go of pride and prejudice, SEHATI SEJIWA to overcome difficulties during the extreme era.

I Repeat. Do not force our current PM Mr. Najib to resign, please....... if you do this, you're indeed wasting the effort and in against of (Those Malaysians and International Voluntaries supporting Malaysian Academy of Studies with clear direction and wisdom, Amitabha Pureland Buddhism, All Ancestors of each races and religions from another dimension although they are gone, but they are watching us.)

If you continue your current wrongful thought of forcing down PM Mr. Najib to resign, you'll be regret in near future around Christmas time. Bear in mind the power of Water. It can turn to energy to wash out those mankind with stubborn and wrongful thought.

To: PM Mr. Najib: Even if I might fail my mission to "buy time" for you and Malaysian Academy of Studies, I will also continue to try my best to persuade all I can persuade within my limited abilities even there're 100,000 people disagree with my decision who seems working voluntary alone, hopefully someone somewhere in this world will finally give their supports sharing the same values, I will continue to fulfil my specific mission. Whatever happens in the end, we let Tuhan, God, Jesus from the heaven to decide our path.

To: Ordinary people of Malaysian just like me who supports our current PM Mr. Najib Razak:
We use love, respect, understanding and remember the power of your religion's teaching: Sembahyang, Pray daily and bless PM Mr. Najib, Malaysia, Eastern World first and then Western World (especially pray for Eastern World as only Eastern is rescued and united, the Eastern world will be able to give their helping hands unitedly, culturally to Western world), and also pray for the whole planet and universe.

We'll able to see whether traditional Chinese culture and Mahayana Buddhism and Han's studies supporters worldwide and Most Important the positive energy and true power of Each Religions based on Love with Wisdom united able to shorten crisis happening worldwide, from 10 years reduced to 3 or 8 years, or better shorten to 5 to 6 years. My words may challenge some of you, as this is a new idealogies never occur in any history on this planet before. That's the only way to prevent Mankind Mass-Suicide as warned by the deceased Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee and many experts of religions and also experts of new science Quantum Mechanics bridging science and spirituality in the past and currently.

Namo Amitabha 南無阿彌陀佛.



[天下行道孝為本 和諧之春萬化通 世界大同今朝日 萬花叢中一點紅] 誰能看懂這句詩歌,就算知道會失敗,也要繼續努力往對的方向走,
謀事在人,成事在天。 [Continue Support PM Mr. Najib 繼續支持首相納吉]

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