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[無上甚深微妙法 百千萬劫難遭遇 我今見聞得受持 願解如來真實意]

願生西方淨土中 九品蓮花為父母
花開見佛悟無生 不退菩薩為伴侶
願消三障諸煩惱 願得智慧真明瞭
普願罪障悉消除 世世常行菩薩道

願以此功德 莊嚴佛淨土
上報四重恩 下濟三途苦
若有見聞者 悉發菩提心
盡此一報身 同生極樂國
阿彌陀佛 Amitabha

Monday, August 31, 2015

Support-SehatiSejiwa-Malaysia-during extreme era worldwide-continue support-current Malaysia PM Mr. Najib Razak to be Prime Minister/Pernada Menteri of Malaysia for at least 5-10 years, Malaysian Academy of Hans Studies and UNESCO

[Continue Support PM Mr. Najib 繼續支持首相納吉] 送上祝福、力量給予馬來西亞漢學院儘早順利投入運作,荷擔沉重救世使命,

[天下行道孝為本 和諧之春萬化通 世界大同今朝日 萬花叢中一點紅] 誰能看懂這句詩歌,就算知道會失敗,也要繼續努力往對的方向走,

Sehati Sejiwa, To All Malaysian, please...... we need to stand together as one. Especially when we do not know the final decision of the current Japanese's government (whether they will repeat the 2nd world war mistake or not) and also when the crisis of Iran-Israel not yet solve completely and might lead to terrible tragedy. Do not force PM Mr. Najib Razak to resign as one of the reasons I'm asking you: PM Mr. Najib Razak is connected to the fate of Malaysian Academy of Han's Studies = which have mission with burden in creating World Peace and rescuing the whole world by Love and Wisdom. Please give him at least 5 to 6 or 10 years depends on the progressing world peace movement worldwide. Nobody is perfect including me. I'm one of the Malaysian who actually hate current Government when I was very young, but now I realize my mistake after receiving Sacred Education of Venerable Master Chin Kung, world-known and also highly recognized by the UNESCO. This message is written in repentance. I'm one of the young generation of Malaysian. Nobody from the current Government of Malaysia or nobody from the Malaysian Academy of Han's Studies ask me to convey this message which I had already repeated several times on websites and other social platforms posted few years ago until now:


Malaysian should stay connected as one no matter what will happen in near future worldwide, whether is good or bad, we must work hand-in-hand to overcome difficulties as we are now indeed in Atomic Age as warned by deceased respected historian Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee, and also all named and unnamed each religion expert from the past until now.

[Sehati Sejiwa]

Websites above is viewed by international readers from various background if I'm not mistaken: The "FBI" from the Japan, international Terrorist especially after the aircraft MH370 is missing. I believe someone, a voluntary in Malaysia will able to finalize the EXACT COORDINATES of the location of MH370 aircraft within the current search area of 7th arc planned by three countries search team. Just give her sometimes and also she's waiting reply from the expert of I-Ching studies from China.

***Malaysia's current government know who are these two persons. Just that they do not mention the name as being requested by this Malaysian before during initial search of MH370 last year. Although the main aircraft has not found yet, but the recent debris found had proven their determination during initial search that the aircraft is located within southern search corridor is correct. This Malaysian, would like to thank PM Mr. Najib and Ministry of Defence Mr. Hisshamudin and also PDRM. You all do not know the difficult situation they had to face, they are trying their best to prevent world war. Sadly, not much people recognize their effort. I thought Malaysian should be awaken after all these MH370 and MH17 case and other crisis worldwide happened. Just remember, whatever good or bad happen in near future, Malaysian should let go of pride and prejudice, SEHATI SEJIWA to overcome difficulties during the extreme era.

I Repeat. Do not force our current PM Mr. Najib to resign, please....... if you do this, you're indeed wasting the effort and in against of (Those Malaysians and International Voluntaries supporting Malaysian Academy of Studies with clear direction and wisdom, Amitabha Pureland Buddhism, All Ancestors of each races and religions from another dimension although they are gone, but they are watching us.)

If you continue your current wrongful thought of forcing down PM Mr. Najib to resign, you'll be regret in near future around Christmas time. Bear in mind the power of Water. It can turn to energy to wash out those mankind with stubborn and wrongful thought.

To: PM Mr. Najib: Even if I might fail my mission to "buy time" for you and Malaysian Academy of Studies, I will also continue to try my best to persuade all I can persuade within my limited abilities even there're 100,000 people disagree with my decision who seems working voluntary alone, hopefully someone somewhere in this world will finally give their supports sharing the same values, I will continue to fulfil my specific mission. Whatever happens in the end, we let Tuhan, God, Jesus from the heaven to decide our path.

To: Ordinary people of Malaysian just like me who supports our current PM Mr. Najib Razak:
We use love, respect, understanding and remember the power of your religion's teaching: Sembahyang, Pray daily and bless PM Mr. Najib, Malaysia, Eastern World first and then Western World (especially pray for Eastern World as only Eastern is rescued and united, the Eastern world will be able to give their helping hands unitedly, culturally to Western world), and also pray for the whole planet and universe.

We'll able to see whether traditional Chinese culture and Mahayana Buddhism and Han's studies supporters worldwide and Most Important the positive energy and true power of Each Religions based on Love with Wisdom united able to shorten crisis happening worldwide, from 10 years reduced to 3 or 8 years, or better shorten to 5 to 6 years. My words may challenge some of you, as this is a new idealogies never occur in any history on this planet before. That's the only way to prevent Mankind Mass-Suicide as warned by the deceased Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee and many experts of religions and also experts of new science Quantum Mechanics bridging science and spirituality in the past and currently.

Namo Amitabha 南無阿彌陀佛.



[天下行道孝為本 和諧之春萬化通 世界大同今朝日 萬花叢中一點紅] 誰能看懂這句詩歌,就算知道會失敗,也要繼續努力往對的方向走,
謀事在人,成事在天。 [Continue Support PM Mr. Najib 繼續支持首相納吉]

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Letter to BERSIH and those who share same thought with BERSIH

Me, as one of the student of Pureland Buddhism, a Chinese, a Malaysian, an earthling of this blue planet will continue to support Mr. Najib Razak to be Prime Minister of Malaysia for at least 10 years. 
Letter to BERSIH and those who share same thought with BERSIH

To BERSIH and those people/organizations who share the same or similar thought, such as those who initiate activities of “佔領”in Malaysia recently:

I advice you not to ask Mr. Najib Razak to resign. I understand your concerns but I do not agree your current methods solving the issues. Sometimes things are not what they seem. And sometimes Using "knowledge" to solve issues might have terrible side effects but by using "wisdom", "love", "respect", it wouldn't have these side effects.


1. If above situation happens, (Mr. Najib Razak being forced to resign), these people as mentioned below will definitely happy as this fulfill their dreams:

- Some people with power on top of governments in Malaysia who would like to be split out from Malaysia. This year, Venerable Master Chin Kung had been invited to UK's House of Lords giving his speech and he mentioned about the famous deceased Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee about 21st century crisis, more countries appear after last second world war and this is not a good sign. More independent states appear cannot assured safety of this whole planet from destruction by nuclear and biochemical weapon. Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee also mentioned about Third destructive world war ending the civilizations and mother earth and giving his solution: Traditional Chinese Culture and Mahayana Buddhism. Please read the book named <Change and Habit> written by highly recognized and respected historian and philosopher Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee, he possessed unusual wisdom when he was old and this had been written after second world war which is near to our era. If you're busy, kindly read this summary posted here:http://sites.google.com/site/solvemalaysiaandworldcrisis/important-summary-drtoynbee-writings 

I believe you'll be definitely interested in this book written by Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee. His future prediction is sharp and he even mentioned about our era is indeed in Atomic Age. He also mentioned the possible solution of dealing with atomic waste.

- International Terrorists who would like to make Malaysia, Southern part of Thailand, Singapore, Philippines to be part of their "state" using violence. 

(refer to website for 6 Roots to cause unfortunate events happen in this world, which happen for a reason:http://sites.google.com/site/solvemalaysiaandworldcrisis and http://miaoyinxuefo.blogspot.com and facebook:http://www.facebook.com/classic.essence)

2. If you continue this action by using "knowledge" only but not wisdom, and if you do not take action As Soon As Possible to correct your past and current mistakes:

- In against of will of mostly students of Amitabha Pureland Buddhism worldwide and those people especially UNESCO who are learning wisdom to solve 21st century crisis and seeking world peace

- In against of people seeking peaceful world by love and respect and wisdom. 
Mr. Najib Razak has ten year mission to complete related to special and VERY IMPORTANT mission of Malaysian Academy of Han's Studies.

I thought Malaysian people should be awaken after crisis happened all these years, especially when MH370, MH17, public announcement of international terrorism happened last year 2014 and unfortunate events happened worldwide.

There're many people giving their help to Mr. Najib Razak's Government of Malaysia during the search of MH370 as you can read from the public news. 

However, there is someone from Malaysia, seeking help from an expert of Traditional Chinese Culture from China specialized in <I-Ching>/<周易> who is able to predict future, by summarizing the report and sending several letters to some people in-charge of investigation and search, persuading them to focus search on Southern Search Corridor. Latest news regarding some debris found recently had already proven this fact although the main part of plane not discovered yet. These are all published on this expert's official online blog. Go and search keyword in search engine of www.baidu.com, input these keywords: MH370, 和讯博客, blog.hexun.com,李守力,马来西亚 and a Malaysian who sent the reports with the nickname:雨水加文. 

One question for you all: 
==>What if during election few years ago in year 2013, the current government had lost and/or Mr. Najib Razak forced to resign from PM position, let's say during 2014, MH370 and MH17 happened, who is the new PM do you think who will definitely able to solve these crisis as these crisis can be a third world war, or perhaps being conquered by few differing violence parties?

==> Can You PROMISE the new elected PM will do the same thing as Mr. Najib Razak such as to unite those people of south-east asia countries not to conflict with China lead by Mr. Xi Jin Ping with wisdom. Do You realize the current Japan's government is doing all those planning in contrast of Mr. Najib Razak's peaceful wish.

What if international terrorism's threat is increasing as you can see right now? Can You All Promise to me and all the people of Malaysian and swear and DEFINITELY ENSURE the PM you all choose to replace Mr. Najib Razak would definitely won't co-operate with international violence and extremely greedy or violence people, perhaps international terrorists, international businessmen with extreme selfish greediness, and Japan's current government (Do you exactly know why and how all the current Japanese's government is thinking wrongfully? The answer had been told by an old man age almost 90 during his daily dharma talk few years ago, world-known Venerable Master Chin Kung and also an unknown people from Malaysia few years ago who wrote a letter to Venerable Master Chin Kung before, saying "unable to rescue Japanese". It's not good for me to announce it here as it is disrespect to current Japanese's government, however the answer is actually hidden in the website if you found it: http://sites.google.com/site/solvemalaysiaandworldcrisis )

Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee said before: 
Under Democratic Political System, voters had to share the responsibilities of cause and effect (a.k.a. Karma).

History is a good lesson. 鴉片戰爭 Opium War, 京都議定事件 Issues of Kyoto Protocol, 伊拉克戰爭 Iraq War, and etc. these had happened in the past due to common supports by their countries own people and businessmen by relying on Democratic Political System where the less listen to the majority. [少數服從多數的西方民主制度毫無智慧含量,往往間接制造慘烈的禍端於人類與蒼生]  

“中國不是你的,你來這裡干什麼 China is not yours, why do you come here?”is the real karma lesson taught by the recent years published real life documentary book named《愷撒軍團東征中國之謎》。A roman's style temple 羅馬將士紀念祠 has been built at a place of Gansu Province, China in recent years. If you read one of the poem of Nostradamus's prediction with the keyword: "Roman", "Temple", "Saint", you'll know what is happening right now. 

During the recent Year 2015 Malaysia Zhong Feng Three Periods Incessant Recitation held by few countries in stadium Bukit Jalil of Malaysia, a monk who is vice president of Pureland Learning College of Australia, also one of the students of Venerable Master Chin Kung said: 


這位出家人活動結束後,念了一篇馬來西亞 Malaysia 與國際國外 International 總共19個獨立團體淨宗學會 19 Independent Organizations 聯合呼吁 Joint Appeals 馬來西亞信佛念佛人 Malaysia's Amitabha Buddhists 的短文,短文重點是要大馬信佛念佛人士,不要胡思亂想 Do not be cranky,佛經雲:“一切法從心想生”,生活上不需用腦袋思考時與一心念佛結合起來就好。


讀到這裡,本人想起我們的祖先,尤其近兩百年 recent 200 years,為抗戰和反法西斯主義犧牲的抗戰先賢,為我們保衛這個藍色星球剩下的唯一偉大文明東方文明,其實東方文明是屬於全球,哪國相信哪國就可以治愈其國。爾後中國大陸上演全球見證的文革時期,乃是中國人民無奈必經之路,往往被批判的人,子孫往往後發跡,為的是這些後代子孫,為全球進入動蕩時代期間,承蒙先賢冥冥中護佑,有福慧力挽狂瀾。



請務必記住:全世界第二次世界大戰後,已分裂出許多大小國家,我們任何人不能保證任何一國濫用或誤用核武化武。因此Dr. Arnold Joseph Toynbee 湯恩比博士說:全球統合是唯一出路,他說全球多數各民族祖先,似乎有這個意願把這個重擔交給中國擔當。而非中國區人士,或許未來的青年,屆時必能協助扮演、推動各自國家,主動歸附鳳凰涅盤浴火重生,走特色社會主義的中國。希望各國尤其美國,不要干預中國內政,因為中國有這個智慧、能力,解決人類生存及物質與精神不能平衡發展的問題。Hoping all countries especially U.S. do not interfere in China's internal affairs as China possess wisdom and abilities to solve the issues of mankind survival and balance of materialism and spirituality.



Finally, all my hopeful wish, as a Malaysian and one of the earthlings in this blue planet, are written in both websites. Please take your time to read posts on both of these websites and those recommended websites and people mentioned on both of these websites http://sites.google.com/site/solvemalaysiaandworldcrisisand http://miaoyinxuefo.blogspot.com .

---Kindly get someone to translate this part to your understandable language---
“佔領 Conquer”這二字最近流行起來,這二字聽起來很刺耳,我總覺得,提倡這二字,並不是真正表達愛國的正確方式 it's not the real way to show your support to your country,與國內國際世界普施價值觀:“和睦”,越離越遠。

人心壞了,甚麼制度都無用;人存政舉,人亡政熄。只有依賴科技、尤其電視廣播,全球弘揚聖賢教育、《群書治要》,建立共同價值觀,求同存異,從宗教團結開始,才能減輕人類劫難Great Catastrophe of Mankind。而馬來西亞漢學院的眾位仁人志士,通過恢復傳統學習方式,[一門深入,長時薰修],他們的救世使命非常沉重。因此本人希望大馬人民,無論您現在信奉的是甚麼主義,暫且放下執著,好好聽聽聖賢教育,渡過人類極端時期。

或許許多大馬華裔,甚至全球,不清楚Tang Dynasty唐朝時代的回教先知穆罕默德 Prophet Muhammad 說過,[向中國求智慧 Seek wisdom from China]。現在印尼回教國家,也建立起來《四庫全書》圖書館,馬來西亞現任首相納吉先生與前首相馬哈迪回教長老都認同馬來西亞漢學院的建立,尤其納吉先生,對學習漢字有興趣。現在最大的問題是,全球炎黃子孫世界中華民族,似乎拋棄自己文化文明的鑰匙“文言文”,有能力掌握漢字的不願意提升自己掌握文言文。不久的將來,馬來西亞以馬來民族居多的國家,將會興起漢字學習熱潮。未來將要鳳凰涅盤、浴火重生的中國也必定將會恢復正體字漢字學習。10年之內興起漢學熱潮,20年之後文言文通行國際。這是不能逆轉的道路,因為惟有這樣,我們大家不會看到全球各文明文化的徹底毀滅,減輕劫難幅度。納吉先生 Mr. Najib Razak 是有意願讓大馬全民掌握漢字United Kingdom 英國有不少學生,毫無漢字基礎,皆能三年內掌握文言文,何況我們?最近,連英國也把漢字教學納入中小學課程,英國認識到這個重要性。

全球政治 Political people、媒體 Media Industries、明星 Entertainment Artists,掌握拯救與毀滅的幅度與速度。

望媒體界(尤其電視界 especially people of TV Station)認識到自己原本作為傳播學的教育功能,亂世中人與人缺乏互信的時代扮演隱惡揚善的角色,弘揚正確價值觀,用對的文字(有時候,毀滅文化文明的人不是他族,而是部份中華民族,看看網絡上報章上公開的遣詞用字,出了多個漢字原沒有的詞語:萌萌達、有木有、神馬、粉絲等等),就別怪為何大馬年輕人漢字水平大幅降低。



寄望未來的有緣年輕人,生活上落實[大同主義]思想,其實也是《共產主義》的思想。《共產主義》是佛菩薩的主義,《三民主義》、《五權憲法》、[一黨專政]是英年早逝的孫中山先生周游列國圖書館飽讀各書,結合東方西方創立的破天荒完美政體,美國只有三權分立,而孫中山先生創立的完美制度是五權分立。只要孫中山先生的制度,結合古今最完美的憲法《周禮》,中國與台灣寶島不會是這個現像。望大家以大局為重,高瞻遠矚,在全球進入極端時期,盡可能和平穩定走這一條康莊大道。全球唯有建立聯合政府“Overriding Government”,才能協助避免核武化武在全球任何一個地方在未來引爆。

盡可能放棄用對立的方式解決問題,則大同世界屬於您我。代替過去錯誤的物理學發展的新興科學量子力學Quantum Mechanics的多位西方專家,也說出來,你如何對待世界,世界如何回報你。有些定業不可逆轉,但21世紀中華傳統文化復興以及大乘佛法能力挽狂瀾,解決21世紀各種問題。

身體不是我,我們只是借用它來這個空間經歷及體驗,人生就像一場戲,會做戲的人懂得如何借假修真,做人有時候,不能太過認真,努力不難,難在認錯方向、用錯方法、聽信一群[以其昏昏,使其昭昭]的言論。望各位全球有識之士,無論有無宗教信仰,尤其愛好漢學人士,能荷擔救世使命,一旦第三次世界核武大戰不能避免,則宇宙與大自然會干預,這是英國歷史哲學家湯恩比Toynbee的遠見說法,他說他不想看到此事但若不能避免人類集體自殺 Mankind Mass-Suicide,則這是唯一方法避免文明文化徹底毀滅。

大家必能見證中國在習近平習先生 Mr Xi Jin Ping 的領導之下,能夠拯救自己,拯救全人類。中國崛起,是文明的、可愛的。日本應該做賢明的選擇2500多年的友誼與200多年的利益之交,大和民族應該做出正確的抉擇。《群書治要》是許久以前在中國失傳流入日本近期從現人間的超越時空的的寶典。《未來屬於中國》此書編者為日本人。日本人自己寫的 Written by Japanese。



關於消費稅課題的個人看法 Personal View on GST issues
對於GST的個人看法:或許大家應該與我同樣想法 (請找人自行翻譯這與大馬人民關心GST的部分文字 Get someone to translate this part in relation to issues of GST concerned by people of Malaysia)




Those messages had been repeated for many years by posting on those several websites and social online platforms mentioned above. 

Above Written by a Malaysian,笔者為大馬子民一份子
One of the earthlings in blue planet Earth writing in repentance 慚愧的地球一份子
Date of Writing 筆於: 28th and 29th August 2015 乙未年八月二十八及二十九日

Me, as one of the student of Pureland Buddhism, a Chinese, a Malaysian, an earthling of this blue planet will continue to support Mr. Najib Razak to be Prime Minister of Malaysia for at least 10 years. 

Saturday, August 22, 2015


淨空老法師也在《珍惜生命 勿殺子墮胎》曾提到黃大仙。

Thursday, August 13, 2015

《Let Harmony Redeem》Series One 2006-2008 Video's Text Episode 5 To Be Reborn or Collapse in Mass-Media《和諧拯救危機》系列一之視頻文字第五集:在媒體中新生還是毀滅

Let Harmony RedeemSeries One 2006-2008 Video's Text: 

 Episode 5 To Be Reborn or Collapse in Mass-Media

短片介紹 Short Introduction Video
 (系列一之第五集完整視頻附在此頁後尾 Full Video of Episode 5 of Series One at bottom of this page):


 Episode 5 To Be Reborn or Collapse in Mass-Media


  Introduction:Someone have proposed that modern people should take an important member in a family photo because it accompanies you the longest time in your life. Sometimes you don't want to spend time with your parents and your friends but you are willing to be with it alone. Of course with it, you won't think of books. This important member is television. Television in your family very important, also very danger. Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty had said an eternal famous saying: "Water which carry boats can also capsize them". Today's television is precisely like water. 

在今天,電視對一個人,一個家庭 乃至一個社會的影響已經超過了一切。這種日積月累的影響潛移默化正在深刻地改變着人們的思想和觀念,語言和行為,性格和情感,正在徹底地改變着你的樣子,你的家庭的樣子,這個世界的樣子。你想認清這種改變嗎?歡迎收看下面這段短片。這是美國一家電視公司向大家介紹觀眾們對電視節目喜愛的程度。
Today, television have a surpassed impact on individuals, families even the society. The accumulative impact is influencing subtly on people's thought and ideas-language and behaviour, personality and emotion. This impact is completely changing the look of your face the look of your home, and the look of the world. Do you want to get a clear recognization of this change? Welcome to watch the video. It is introduced by a television company of the United States about the extent the audience in favour of the TV programmes.


Host:Master, we keep on learning from you. In 1970s, your teacher Mr. Fang Dongmei was asked such a question that you used to mention. If one day the U.S. was destroyed, what would have the power to do it? Mr. Fang contemplated it for quite a while and answered with a word---television. My questions is if China faces the same case what will be your answer? 


主持人:也是電視。Host:TV also.

老法師:對。方老師後面還有一句話。那個時候台灣提倡“文化復興運動”,教育部有幾個官員到方老師家裡去請教,剛剛好那一天我在方老師家裡。他們問美國將來,因為任何大國都會亡國的。古羅馬也會亡國,中國帝國也滅亡。他們問滅亡第一個因素是什麼。方老師答的是電視。然後告訴他們,你們要小心,台灣漸漸也走向這個路。如果要不能善加控制的話,這個東西也會把台灣毀滅掉。Master:Yes. Mr. Fang said something more after that. At that time, Taiwan was advocating "Renaissance". Some officials of Ministry of Education went to consult him, I was just at his home. They asked about America's future for any big power would die away no matter ancient Rome or ancient China. What was the first factor? Mr. Fang's answer was TV. Then he told them: "You'd better be careful for Taiwan was tending toward this way. If it was not properly controlled, it might destroy Taiwan too. 

Host:Then do you judge Taiwan in this way?

Master:Taiwan is in a mess. Why? Isn't it TV, internet and media that are teaching? The people are taught to be what they are. If you teach them good they'll be good; if you teach them evil, they'll turn evil. The people are not to be blamed. They are innocent. Who is teaching them? 

What can TV teach people? Let us see。。。

主持人:您知道現在中國一直把電視電影歸為文化產業。從理論上說,是希望滿足人民日益提高的文化生活,但是實際上是商業化操作。這個背後確實隱藏著非常大的危機。因為他們互相要競爭,大家要賺錢。比如說最近,這是一個新聞報道,講的是娛樂節目,標題叫《男人也是消費品》。那我們來看這篇報道的內容,講的是上海一家電視台辦了一個選秀的節目,它的負責人在接受采訪的時候,就講了 “很多贊助商都希望做一個全國性的項目,男色也是我們節目組成的一部分,不可以缺少。”“現在社會上的觀念:帥哥扎堆的地方就是鴨出沒的地方。”這個“鴨”就是指男性娼妓。她說:“觀眾看完我們的節目之後就明白,他們想的是不對的。”這個新聞雜志對這個電視節目的評論是“當有人質疑這台節目到底是選秀,還是選鴨,就是選鴨的時候,似乎他們忘掉了一點,就是大家忘掉了現在是商業消費的年代。誰消費,誰就有發言權。”“這台節目就變成了年輕女性,一次真正意義上的意淫和狂歡”。這個節目是在衛星電視,全國都能看得到。這裡面還提供了一個數據,全國大大小小類似的選秀節目不下於100個,因為它競爭要掙錢。
Host:You know now China classifies TV and movie into culture industry. Theoretically, it is hoped to meet the people's increasing demand of cultural life, but practically, it is operated commercially. A big crisis is indeed hidden here, because they have to compete and make money.  For instant, recently, there was a piece of news report about an entertainment programme called《Men Are Also Consuming Products》. 

Let's see the content. It is about a draft programme held by a TV station in Shanghai. During the interview, the person in charge of the programme said "many sponsor businesses hope to launch a national programme. Sexy man are also a part of your programme, integrally." "Now it is believed socially that where there are many handsome guys there have ducks." "Duck" here refers to male prostitute. That is male prostitute. She said, "The audience will discover that what they believed is wrong." The news magazine's comments on the programme is "when some people doubt whether this programme is choosing elites or ducks or prostitutes, they forget one point, that is, they forget now it is a day of commercial consumption. Who consumes, who has the say. This programme turns to a carnival of sexual desire for young women in the true sense. The satellite programme can be seen nationwide. A datum provided is there are no fewer than 100 such draft programmes, because they have to compete and make money. 

Host:Then to you, it is not simply a matter of commerce, isn't it?


Host:A matter of entertainment?


Host:Or a matter of TV programmes?


Host:What is it, from your point of view?

Master:It destroys "Eight Honors, Eight Disgraces" proposed by President Hu Jintao. "Eight Honors, Eight Disgraces" will be empty talk with things like this. Just as what Mr. Fang Dongmei said to the officials, you talk about rejuvenate Chinese culture, but these things are always destroying traditional Chinese culture. As long as these things exist, your "Renaissance" will be an empty slogan and are unable to be put into practice. 





Violence, pornography, murder, and all kinds of pollution are permeated in the film and television programmes around the world.

People all over the world unconsciously, from generation to generation are suffering from the impact of a variety of media.


These harmful commercials are entertaining the spiritual life of the public after being packaged

These are all the guns searched out from a high school student in the United States.


The media has completely changed people's values and life status.    

Morbid, void and vulgar music are becoming fashion of teenagers.

Exciting entertainment and enjoyment of material is becoming a popular way of life.

Today, the film is affecting many individuals and families which have underwent profound changes.


Master:If they exist in China, President Hu Jintao's "Eight Honors, Eight Disgraces" will be a slogan, empty slogan, impractical. If you don't believe it, you'll see it later. So as to really rejuvenate Chinese tradition, Mr. Fang had a good remark: The media are not judged as good or evil, but a good instrument, depending on how you make use of it. Changle, CEO of Phoenix Satellite TV, also an old friend of mine, is working very hard in getting advertisements to earn profit. I said to him: Look, you are so tired, so wretched looking for ads everywhere to make money. As to me, without ads, I still can survive. 


Master:Now we have a five-star satellite TV without ads, without anything sexual. All about sutra, for 24 hours a day


Master:There are still some people who like the positive instead of the negative. They send us some money every month and then our expenditure is met. Not as hard as you! That is to say, if you go the positive way, there are still many kindhearted people offer a hand to you. Be assured. Don't worry about this. Our own belief is: it is a good job, a job to save the world. If there is support, the nation is fortunate; If without, the people will suffer, then it is given up. We ourselves have nothing to win or lose. We don't force it. We do it if there is a chance; we don't do it if there is no chance. When we do, we work hard; If we don't, we are happier. No big deal! 

Host:Let me make an analogy: Every television is a teacher who can speak, rather persuasively, and can give performance. How many TV sets are in a country, how many these kinds of teachers are working among the mass. A television programme is a teacher. Let us see how the TV teachers work.

This type of television programme is called shopping programmes which allow you to phone and purchase what you want to buy. This is the merchandise they are selling the AK47 assault rifles guns. The hostess asks whether it would be difficult to use this gun, and the host responses that it isn't because even the Libyan children can use it well.

Now they really get a boy for a live demonstration.


Host:China as an example, it is conservatively estimated 300 million TV sets, hence 300 million teachers are performing, lecturing and persuading, for 24 hours a day in the mass. If TV stations are all commercialized, all compete to survive, all try to promote the audience's watching desire, as well as their consumption, the 300 million teachers will turn to 300 million merchants, 300 million salesmen, and keeping telling you something to persuade you to consume, and rouse your desire. If it comes to a considerable amount, and the content is harmful, I wonder what you'll say about it: just imagine the degree of harm to the country caused by 300 million such merchants, 300 million salesmen.

Master:I think if 30 are positive, those 300 million will collapse, as the ancient people said "the evil will not triumph the virtuous". We did a test in Tangchi of Anhui province for half a year, which promote our confidence. The local people were difficult at first as usual. When we got there, I said to the teacher Yang Shufen, we do it at miserable cost. If necessary, we'll knelt to the people, in order to move them and convert them. After conversion, they'll recognize us as a good group. Hard to teach! So the people have conscience, which proves that "man is born with a kind nature". The matter is nobody can teach. You see, now everyone becomes reasonable and sensible, so there are few arguments. Couples don't quarrel. Wives and mother-in-laws get along. Children become filial. 

Let's express our gratitude with an honest heart for the parent's nourishment, for the teacher's instruction, for the classmates' help and consideration, for the farmers' hard work and for all those who give.      

Master:The people's quality has been promoted, the social atmosphere has been converted, obviously and unexpectedly. We predicted it would take one year to get the effect, but it turned out to be only three months.

Host:Do you mean that only a few dozen teachers managed to convert a town?

Master:Yes. 30 teachers. If these 30 teachers video all that we teach, broadcast it nationwide through TV, satellite TV, and the leaders of our country are always there to listen the lectures, China will be all peaceful within one year, all problems solved. Those billions of TV should all keep up with one station. Why? If they are not look like it, nobody will watch it. One can make a choice when people know about which is harmful, which is beneficial. But now there is no alternative.    

Host:No alternative

Master:No alternative, one can only prefers this. If he discovers something good, he can choose. You see, our satellite TV station can't be downloaded in China in other places of the whole world, 

Host:Huazang satellite TV

Master:As long as people watch this TV, they refuse all the other TV stations. They all get advantages.

Host:Specialize in promoting Buddhism

Master:Yes, it is. Frankly speaking, this method can be used to teach national policies, traditional culture, not only Buddhism, but Confucianism, Shi, and Taoism, all such things, 24 hours nonstop. One TV station resist billions of others, there is such power.



Host:From the center to provinces, cities and counties, there are hundreds of TV stations, each with dozens of columns. News columns only take up a small proportion except features. The rest are mostly commercialized, all competing to survive. Competition of course must address business, and spread some content that rouse people's desires thus promote TV ratings. But as far as the mass are concerned, you can imagine he hold the remote control. The present matter is if a TV station is not able to speak truth, kindness and beauty, or something meaningful, is the wealth they get ill-gotten? 

Master:Yes, ill-gotten wealth. 

Host:If the wealth is ill-gotten, even it is handed in to the country, the price is high too. Why do you pay for so high price to make the money?

Master:To gain some benefit. Can you say how much is the price? Beyond description! The country will go to destruction, the human beings will go to extinction. So I said to Liu Changle, you are the ones who want to save the country, you are also those who destroy it. You must know the cause and effect yourselves. Money is not important. Our Huazang satellite TV station has a history of fours years, the fourth year now, it's is known as unimportant. No need to worry. We never begged aims or asked for a penny. All is natural. We run it if there is money; we close it if there is no money. If it can go on, the mass are fortunate; if it can't, the mass are unfortunate! Without fortune, you can do nothing to save, even the Bodhisattva will become powerless.

Host:I wonder your feeling when you hear the figure. So many people in China, such a big market, in every family, 300 million televisions are speaking, a very huge group. If it says one good sentence, does one performance of kind act, there will be influential effect to people's mind and the whole society. Because now people believe in TV, sometimes they are willing to listen to it instead of staying with their parents. It has a powerful influence on the improvement of social morals. How can we manage or harness those 300 million teachers who are committed to serve our country?

Master:We should also persuade them to make positive programmes. So they benefit the mass, the country, the society, as well as themselves. Why make negative programmes? Those people need education. They are the first target to teach. 

Host:You said "they" refer to TV station?


Host:The content broadcast through TV is designed by TV stations. Then TV stations are all commercially competitive. 

Master:They exert the most severe influence on the country and the people. So Mr. Fang said, it is the first factor for the destruction of America. 

He pointed out clearly that not only America's, but any other country or region's fate has something to do with it. What cause you plant, and what result you will get. So who has the power? Only national leaders can save. If you can gather these media, producers and directors to teach them, persuade them to turn back to save the country, the people, the world, I believe there will be many people to be converted.   

Host:Do you mean in order to manage 300 million teachers it have to be started by managing TV station well.


Master:From the very beginning, we have been suggesting that the national TV station can establish two channels: One is national classic channel especially for explanation and education by broadcasting the classics of China's ancient saints; the second is national public welfare channel which advocates that the people should do more good things and take action to practice the classic education, everyone having a loving heart with love of the society, the environment and one's own historical tradition. 

Master:With these two channels, the country is fortunate, and the people too. You see, when I was abroad, I told many leaders from different countries when they met me: you can save your country, even the world, if you have 30 good teachers. Because when your country is well-off, other country will look forward to it, and come to learn from you. As a rule, the beginning is difficult. We take much effort to visit other countries for nothing else but in the hope to suggest them say and put it into practice. Nothing else. Not for fame and money. We teach everyday. Then who are the audience? They must be the country's leaders, including heads of every department. After it has been broadcasted it will be influential! What are influenced? When leaders of provinces and counties see the national leaders are studying everyday, what about themselves? Of course, they will study too. If not, when asked something related but unknown to him, he will lose his position. Then if they take the lead? To study, the people will follow, as a result, the whole social morals will change. Not difficult! Although the world is in a mess, it is not difficult! As my solution, it's not difficult.      

Host:You used to say that for the most complicated problem, we need... 

Master:We need the most simplest way to solve. So China's most important classic is《I-Ching》, easy, easy! Not so complicated. The so-called complication is invented. Truth is indeed simple and easy. The most profound and ingenious part of it is one word "Love". To love ourselves and others. In love, there is no resentment or injury. The whole universe is a "Love". So love is "性德",  本性本善,the first principle of kindness in human nature is love. 

Host:You often mention "性德" is naturally born. We should follow its rule. 

Master:Yes, right. You'll be very happy to study according to this rule! So I'm grateful to my teacher who taught me this way. I would have never gone this way without his teaching. He told me Buddhism is the highest enjoyment of human life. 

Host:As for national TV stations like national public welfare channel and national classic channel, can it be sort of commercial of what the government advocate the people to learn?

Master:No, it shouldn't. 

Host:Completely devoted to our common people

Master:Devotion. If you need money, you can establish a fund. I believe the kindhearted nationwide will support you, much more than the advertising fee, even out of your expectation. Why? Everyone is willing to help those who save the world. 

Host:You know that now TV station is publicly known as Media No 1 because of its overwhelming power of influence. What keep abreast of it is internet, which is now harming to the youth, including the adults, powerful influence. You used to advise that why doesn't the government close internet cafes? Do you mean it casually or earnestly? 

Master:Earnestly. If the internet cafes are closed, so much people saved! How many juvenile delinquencies caused by it? You don't expect juvenile delinquency, but the ratio is increasing year by year, why? These things are the roots. The existence of them decides its tendency of uprising until it is out of control beyond remorse. 

This is a popular online game "fight city with a knife". The juvenile with a dagger is controlled by the person playing the game. 

Now it is not as simple as the games. Children who often play these online games are deeply influenced by the game. 

The video for public service is produced by the British Metropolitan Police and it is specially for warning kids playing the game.

Internet bar for Youth's entertainment can be seen all over the world. 

Everyday, after school many children hurriedly run away. Where do they go? They go to internet bar department in shopping malls and supermarkets. There is no age limit there as long as you hand the money you can play anything you like. This is "Beijing Times" on December 21, 2007 that reported a severe harmful event. Several 18-year-old students, just because of some trivial things, surrounded their classmate with a circle, 

One of the causes of this shocking case of juvenile crime is online games. The students who set fire confessed frankly that he loves the game called “Warcraft” and “Legends”, and said that he enjoys the scene that the Master sets fire to his rivals. He felt that it is micro-services world, and there is satisfaction of success. He said that he was still immersed in the excitement of the game until the student was caught on fire. The 18-year-old guilty juvenile completely confused the real life and the game. He frankly confessed that he had forgotten completely that games do not have sense of life. But in reality, such a disaster will affect a person for all his life. Game Cds such as “Warcraft” and “Legend” are very easy to get in various markets. Take a look at these games which are popular among all kinds of kids, you will find too many are shocking. What games promote and what excite children most are how many people they have killed and how many lives and opponents they have eliminated. The tools and methods for killing are rich in variety.


Of course, burning of gasoline use din in this case is also included.

Host:Many of your economical activities are interfered by the government. If it prohibits internet cafes and network freedom, the government will be under great pressure.
Master:The cost will destroy the people's hearts, and the future of the country and the people. Then the nation will degenerate. Your future price is your nation's failure. That's the very price. That's the very price.
Host:The serials《Let Harmony Redeems》as the name suggests and guest is eminent monk. But they may ask: How can you understand the fact that a monk come to solve problems of worldly principles? As to mankind worldly problems, what he says is reliable? Since you don't watch TV for dozens of years.

Master:The question is he knows nothing of becoming a monk and do not know what is Buddhism? He doesn't know at all. If he does, he won't have asked the question. Why? In each dynasty of Chinese history, the political leaders, including the emperors of the country would turn to old monk in deep mountains, when they encountered problems. The old monk was not in the position to do it, in modern words; he was the leaders' consultant on duty. Why? You are at a moving place, while he is in a still place. You are an inside performer, while he is an outside watcher. Your difficulty is seen clearly by him. When you consult him, he will guide you and help to solve the problem. Capable person! So many capable men like this are honored as national master for this reason. What is the present situation? The people know nothing about Buddhism and what monks are doing. The monks are those well-informed with the most profound and complete knowledge. The universal principles out of the world and worldly principles are one instead of two. What are worldly principles? What are universal principles out of the world? Your posssession of delusions, discrimination, perseverance are called the worldly principles. If you put down all those delusions, discrimination, perseverance, it is called universal principles out of the world. There is no boundary between the two.

Host:And the eminent' monks, the national masters all follow with their “性德” by Love.

Master:Right, right. So formerly the storehouse of classics in the temple was also a library. Not only classics but also all worldly books were collected. In the past, where were people educated? No schools, no libraries, they all went to the temples. So temple's storehouse of classics provided all reference materials needed, whatever. Astronomy and geography, even military tactics. When you have questions, you may turn to the monks who are well-informed. When you study to a certain degree, you may go to take the exam and obtain fame. Fan Zhongyan who you all often mention grew up in a temple. So the temple in the past is really an academic department, not a religious one, 

Host:Educational institution
Master:It is an eduational institution. The monks put down all worldly complexes, devotes to studying. That's why he is well-informed.


 Episode 5 To Be Reborn or Collapse in Mass-Media (Full Video)


第1集《和諧拯救危機—今天最深重的危機和根源》Episode 1 Meeting the Deepest Crises Today
Episode 2 Glory to Our Chinese Ancient
Episode 3 To The Origin Of Harmony
Episode 4 The Confucian Political System of Harmony

Episode 5 To Be Reborn or Collapse in Mass-Media
Episode 6 Insight into The Religion Again
Episode 7 Village Tangchi, an Apocalypse to The World

Video text of 7 episodes ofLet Harmony RedeemSeries One, 7 episodes ofLet Harmony RedeemSeries Two and 7 episodes of Series ThreeSacred Education Solves Crisis.

You may realize crisis mentioned in these series of videos is happening right now.

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以及針對世界各地國際時事、大眾提問而特別在2014年中開播的四集特別大型欄目 4 episodes special programmes produced based on international issues and due to inquiries from people worldwide distributed during mid year 2014: