Documentary of real life possession in the modern age
Title: 凱撒軍團東征中國之謎
The is a documentary recorded by author. He used almost 3 years to interview and collate information with the souls in recent years in Gansu Province,China. Unbelievable! One of the souls possessed one of the lady in rural area and told the author that he is Julius Caesar's third son. He told the author the journey of his one hundred thousands of troops attempting to capture the Chinese emperor and how they died and met the god 利賓菩薩 around 2000 years ago. The souls of the military adviser and Julius Caesar also "came" to talk a while.
Julius Caesar's third son spoke ancient roman language and another lady was possessed by another soul (military adviser) to translate......
Refer to appendix for the Questions and Answers session between author and Julius Caesar's third prince and the military adviser and also another session between two language specialists with the third prince.
The author does not really believe in this but in the end he can't deny the existence of souls, god, buddha and karma. After almost finish writing the book, the author and Julius Caesar's third prince wish to build a temple or better described as ancestral hall for commemorate (Ancient Roman-style buildings) not only for the one hundred thousands of ancient roman troops' souls but also for those (mankind,animals,etc) killed during the war and also many many other souls and for living mankind as well.
The ancestral hall for commemorate is now in construction located at 甘肅省麗靬古城.
Note: I accidentally found the video of "淨宗同修賀歲影片2012" from youtube and found out there's someone capturing a short video of the ancestral hall for commemorate. Thus I extracted the photos from the video and upload here.
Note: I accidentally found the video of "淨宗同修賀歲影片2012" from youtube and found out there's someone capturing a short video of the ancestral hall for commemorate. Thus I extracted the photos from the video and upload here.